Miesto: Galéria NOVA, Baštová 2, Bratislava
Trvanie výstavy: 08. august – 21. september 2018
Otvorenie výstavy:07. august 2018 o 18:00 hod.
Architektúra/dizajn výstavy:Marcel Benčík
Kurátorka výstavy:Naďa Kančevová
Bratislava, 05.august 2018–Aktuálna výstavaslovenského sklárskeho výtvarníka Pala Macha v Galérií NOVA, prezentuje práce, ktorých vzájomné vzťahy nie sú určené nejakou vopred stanovenou hierachiou či interpretáciou. S vystavenými objektami sa tu manipuluje bezhierarchicky, čo nám umožňuje nazerať na ne slobodne, bez viazanosti na povedomie o autorových známejších konceptoch, leitmotívoch činámetoch. Ide tu o komplexnú, zážitkovú formu prezentácie, kde väzby medzi jednotlivými vystavenými objektmi majú skôr charakter voľných asociácií.
Snaha definovať tento pohľad je na výstavepodporená hľadaním nekonvenčného inštalačného riešenia. Predstava depozitáru, ktorý hromadí predmety, je výstižnou metaforou, vyjadrujúcou Machov postoj. O aký typ depozitáru tu však vlastne ide? Kým v muzeálnom kontexte je depozitár tradične vnímaný ako akási „čierna skrinka“‒priestor pohlcujúci a umŕtvujúci nazbierané artefakty, umelecký depozitár, naproti tomu, je o potencii, energii a o tvorivých možnostiach.
Dočasný „depozitár“ v Galérii NOVA kombinuje viac alebo menej rozpracované koncepty, veci staršieho dáta, ktoré vznikli ako „vedľajší produkt“ väčších realizácií, ale aj veci pomerne nové, naznačujúce autorovenekonvenčné postupy a úvahy o možnostiach práce so sklenou hmotou v súčasnom umení. K takýmto realizáciám patria napríklad pokále so stekaním, laboratórne nádoby alebo aj menšie spolupráci s fotografkou Janou Hojstričovou. Do výstavy Macho zámerne zaraďuje aj objekty, ktoré považuje za zatiaľ slabo štruktúrované prevedenie určitej tendencie či myšlienky. Sú to práce degradované na „výpredajový polotovar“ ‒koncepty nachádzajúce sa niekde „na pol ceste“, ktorých príležitosť ešte môže, ale aj nemusí prísť.
Exhibition: PALO MACHO
Letn_ v_predaj Gal_rie Nova
Ani za, ani proti, práve naopak
Nova Gall_ryS_mmer S_le
Neither For, Nor Against. On the contrary.
Venue: Galéria NOVA, Baštová2, Bratislava
Duration: 8th August –21st September 2018
Opening: 07. august 2018 o 18:00 hod.
Architecture/Design: Marcel Benčík
Curator: Naďa Kančevová
Bratislava, 5th August 2018–
NOVA Gallery’s current exhibition presents works by Slovak glass artist PaloMacho. The exhibited pieces show no interconnection, no predetermined hierarchy or interpretation. Thus, the absence of a manipulative ranking makes it possible to look at them freely. There is no awareness of Macho’s familiar concepts, leitmotifsor themesto bind our perception. Free associationis the only connection among the differentworks. Ratherthan close singleness, this is a complexpresentation open to adventure.
To support this concept, Macho and graphic designer Marcel Bencik worked together to find an unconventional way how to install it. And they managed to find just the right metaphor to express Macho’s approach: a depositoryof artefacts. But what type of depository is it really? While a museum depository is traditionally perceived as a “black box”that absorbs and deadens collected artefacts, an artistic depository, on the other hand, fills them with power, energy and creative possibilities.
Thistemporary “depository”atNOVA Gallery combines conceptsat different levels of elaboration, older objects that originated as “byproducts”of other wider creations, as well as relatively recent works that point to Macho’s unconventional practices and reflections on the possibilities of working with glass in contemporary art. Among them are, for instance, chalices streaming paint, laboratory vessels, andsmaller objects created in cooperation with photographer Jana Hojstričová.
Macho has deliberately included workshe considers weakly structured representations of a specifictendency or idea, and which have been demoted to the level of “intermediate products for sale”, i.e. concepts that got stucksomewhere “on the way”and whoseopportunity may still come…or not.
Naďa Kančevová, NOVA Gallery curator
The title of the exhibition, “Neither for,nor against”refers to the ideathat it is not really possible to objectively be for or against anything. For there is so muchofficial, unofficial,and missing information that all we can do is rely onhindsight or on unverifiable conjectures. We would like to identify what is valuable, what is worth looking at, worth doing, what shall prevail, what multilayer weaves shall capture. However, we are so immersed in the present, and the present is so manipulable that all we can do is wait for time to tell.
The selected installation form, i.e. a fictitious sale, ironises the presentation itself as well as the meaning the different works would convey in a different constellation. The purposeful thematic and visual heterogeneity suggests that a long conceptual development of themes, shapes, interventions, and technological processes is going on somewhere beyond this space. The different periods of creation blend, mix, layer, or just point at themselves. The “Sale”itself is a carefully considered concept to fit the premises of Nova Gallery, i.e. Site Specific Art. The exhibited works have been created or finished for this purpose this year.
Neither the mind nor the body move in just one thematic structure. They are free and we can look at their free movement, however confusing it may be.
We are free to agree or disagree with this movement. It is not necessary to be for or against it. On the contrary. If nothing else, their freedom is there for us to enjoy.
Palo Macho